for People Living With Dementia
A theater for people living with dementia to
What is Make Space?
Make Space is a program for and with people living with dementia that is designed to stimulate creativity and imagination. Make Space is a framework that uses dance, movement and narrative building to develop and enhance modes of expression and communication. Make Space builds tools that allow people living with dementia more effective and robust connections to the people and spaces around them.
Make Space is a program that makes connections between movement and meaning.
People living with dementia inevitably experience shifts in their modes and capacities for expression. The Make Space framework is designed to help people living with dementia explore options for expression beyond the dominant language-centric models. The program helps people gain comfort and security in the broad range of resources available to them in their bodies, minds, and voices. Make Space provides tools that can help participants maintain meaningful engagement, community and connection regardless of their disease progression.
Get in touch:
If you are interested in learning more about Make Space, please get in touch!
Chris (he/him):